Sunday, May 4, 2008

Haden Makes an Appearance at Relay

While Daddy was entertaining the thousands that were at Relay for Life Haden made his rounds wowing the ladies! He got to stay up till 11:30pm on Friday night and walked two miles... in his stroller. I don't think he's ever had so many women touching him. Daddy was there from 4pm till 8am the next morning... then he had to DJ that night too! Daddy to say the least had a busy weekend. However, Daddy's team did win two awards at Relay including Rookie Team of the Year and Highest Online Fund Raiser! All together all the teams raised nearly $100,000! Even with the slumping economy people still are willing to give and that makes Haden's Dad feel really good! If you would like to donate it's not too late! Shoot Kevin an e-mail and he can help you find out how to donate! Thanks! Haden and Kevin!

1 comment:

ajrespess said...

Ahhh...successful fundraising efforts will certainly help Haden win the heart of his lady love Lucy. Coming from such altruistic gene pools, those crazy kids will be the next Brangelina!