Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

Mommy's turn! Haden's Daddy has got to upload some pics for me from the camera, because I have some good ones to show off from the past week. I just want to thank my friends for remembering me on my first Mother's Day and for the lovely cards and text messages they sent me. I had the most fantastic first Mother's Day ever! Haden made me a beautiful placemat and three cards (one had his footprint on it!) with the help of his baby-sitter. It was so touching, I cried. He was very fussy Friday night, and now we know why (teething- see Daddy's previous post for more details). We had a great family day on Saturday- the three of us met Mi Young and her precious daughter for lunch at Loco's- we swapped birthing and baby stories, and ate some good grub. Then the Cheek's were off to Sam's for diapers and wipes! My parents came over for dinner- Kev fixed a Paula Dean special! Yummy! Aunt Candace surprised our parents by coming in from Atlanta. She was so excited to see Haden and how much he has grown since the last time she saw him! He was the hit of dinner, and eagerly showed off his motor-boatin' skills! My mommy and daddy gave me wonderful goodies- a new purse, two pairs of shoes and some funny parenting books! Haden's Daddy floored Mommy with a homemade trinket box that he woodburned with Haden's picture in a frame on the top- he had carved Mommy on the front and Mother's Day 2008 on the side. Inside was a gift card to Barnes and Noble and the beautiful charm bracelet I had been yearning for, with Haden's picture and a heart with his name and birthdate on it! It is the most special piece of jewelry I own- his Daddy says it's OK that I like it more than my wedding rings! He even got a chick flick for us to watch- if you have not seen 27 Dresses, it is REALLY good, he even enjoyed it. We had a rather sleepless night due to TEETHING, but Haden and I did get a nap in this afternoon. His Grandmama came over to visit and Daddy fixed me steaks on the grill- super yummy! While we were eating, Haden figured out that once he rolls from his back to his tummy, it is possible for him to roll back! Yay Haden- another big accomplishment! We think he is a genius! So, he was content to roll all over the floor while we ate. So, in closing, my family and friends were so great to me this weekend, but my little Haden is what made my Mother's Day. I love him more than life itself, and I adore being his mommy. I love you Haden!!!!!!

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