Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ok, so we're not the best at this...

So it's been over a month since the last post... I know we're horrible bloggers. I've never been one to do this often and Danielle hasn't been one to ever do this. Well this post was started on Sunday and well... finished on Monday. The author (Daddy) had to make a trip to the ER. Another nice, Lumbarsacral Sprain (Pulled muscle in the lower back) This is the 4th time in the last 6 months. So Daddy is out of work for three days and will be going to the Orthopedic Clinic on Monday or Tuesday for a consult on how to repair and prevent this. 

Haden had a great weekend! While Daddy raced his truck on Friday Mommy and Haden played at home. Saturday Haden and Mommy went and visited Haden's girlfriend Lucy and her Mommy (Click for Lucy's blog). The had a great day of shopping and hanging out. Sunday was another fun filled day as Haden, Mommy and Grandmama went to cousin Jack Durham's birthday party. It was of course a Thomas the Tank theme. There was even a train ride! Haden had a great time and was a tired lil' tractor. He crashed without even fighting the sleep! Which by the way is his favorite thing to do on most nights. He will roll around, laugh, smile and kick and flail to keep from falling asleep. 

We try to video most of the things he does but he knows, and I mean he knows when the camera is on. He stops whatever he is doing and stares at you like a two month old. He regresses 5 months back to no man's land. 

Well stay tuned for more info....

"It ain't braggin', It's keepin' folks informed!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where are Haden's Bulldawgs pictuers.......they are SOOOOOOOOOO Cute......I need to Thank You both for allowing Haden to be a part of our family, I enjoy spending my day with him....Mrs. Pam